Jschool 2008

Cait’s first blog!

Here I am…. sitting here in our Jschool classroom trying to think of what I am going to write for the Jschool blog which John has just informed us the world will be able to read if they wish to. The sound of key boards tapping away interests me. I am really keen to read(…)

The first line is always the hardest………….

Its ironic when you are a student of journalism you are expected to have great writing skills and considered as a wordsmith. But when you have to write you are always thinking what do i write??????? once you get that first line in things flow……….Its been couple of months since class of 2008 started and(…)

The colours of Benneton

Some interesting moments throughout the year 1. Our big night at the pub before trying to help Grace move house. Help never came for Grace. 2. Rob sticking his head into the lift door 3. Karaoke – never start with AC/DC 4. Sacra Bleu – yes, Delphine, people do say that in France 5. Cait being sick on monday –(…)


Bonjour tout le monde! Si j’ai bien compris, je suis la premiere francaise a integrer Jschool et j’en suis tres fiere! Je sais que tres peu de personnes pourront lire ce message mais ce n’est pas bien grave. C’est plus pour la forme que pour le fond de toute facon… Petit message personnel a Luke(…)

On Railway Employees

Rob and I wrote a recent article on staff shortages across the Brisbane interurban rail network. We learnt valuable lessons on obtaining information from interviewees and sources: 1. Call someone in charge first; and 2. Don’t bother talking with the rude bastards who work at rail stations It was fun though… Luke (first post)