
About Delphine


Posts by Delphine :

The SCD has no reason to be jealous of the Courier-Mail

When I first read the Courier-Mail, I was a bit surprised by the low quality and the number of advertisements for a paper representing a city of two million people. It’s not that the paper’s bad, it just that it could be so much better and spare us from all the gossip that could be(…)

Assistant photographer for a day

Last Monday, I started my internship at the Sunshine Coast Daily and for my first mission I had to follow one the photographer of the paper. Lucky me! The weather was just perfect and Chris, the photographer, had many different jobs to do. Perfect day to drive around the Coast! We went to the funeral of a local rugby(…)


The surprise  of the year: politicians are, in reality, pretty funny people! And that’s not especially a compliment… In fact, when you put them all together in the same room, the result is actually quite interesting. you just changed them into kids!! Those people are supposed to take decisions, improve the life of the people they are(…)


Bonjour tout le monde! Si j’ai bien compris, je suis la premiere francaise a integrer Jschool et j’en suis tres fiere! Je sais que tres peu de personnes pourront lire ce message mais ce n’est pas bien grave. C’est plus pour la forme que pour le fond de toute facon… Petit message personnel a Luke(…)