Okay so wow I thought I posted a few weeks ago – but obviously it didn’t actually ‘post’ – I’m sure you’ve all experienced that. So first I’d like to ask everyone if they remember John saying REALLY early on to check the spelling of people’s names carefully? Well how many of you noticed he got the spelling of my name wrong in the ‘news’ section on the main JSchool site? Hahaha.

Okay so I arrived here in one piece, however as John probably told you, my car did not. I managed to crash the back of it into a post (took out the post pretty much) while travelling forwards (ridiculous I know). I only got it back from the crash repairs this week, and thank god it was insured. Sorry I havn’t been that great with contact. I have broadband now so that’ll help a lot.

It’s really great to hear about all of your internship experiences. I hope you’re all enjoying yourselves and learning a lot. Jo I hope your boy’s feeling a bit better also.

I miss all of you and JSchool heaps! Lucky I’m coming to visit in a few weeks… albeit for the shorthand speed test etc so I’ll probably be rather stressed. How’re you guys all going with shorthand?

Work is good… I get a variety of stories day-to-day which I like. I’m the only girl in Editorial so I usually get the puppies, kids or pretty things but that doesn’t worry me at all. (Don’t worry John I’m also doing some harder hitting ones.)

I met Professor Blainey (author of Short History of the World, Tyranny of Distance, etc) and got to chat to him for a while for the re-opening of The Rasp Mine in Broken Hill… he’s a really interesting guy.

I learnt something to – DON’T TOUCH THE FOOD. Just don’t. Especially expensive food as you may think you know what it is but you do not! I took an hors devour (spelling?) thinking it was a miniature caramel tart with cream on the top and after a small nibble released it was horribly savoury and the brown stuff I thought was caramel was like pickle or onion or SOMETHING. Anyway, this would’ve been fine but there were no bins around and I just got introduced to someone I needed to interview.

So… of course needing two free hands (hold notepad and write) I had to shove the thing in my mouth, chew and swallow. I’m telling you now it was disgusting and it took a LONG time to get the taste away. (Also hard to stop the disgust showing on my face as I tried to interview.) Yes, so that’s my advice. At least make sure there is a bin handy!

Already so you guys are probably bored of my ranting. Tell me more about what you guys are doing!!!! John how’d the holiday go?!?!?

Also, Desley your youtube video is certainly unique.

Can’t wait to see all of you!
