I’ll admit it. I’m a reality TV addict.

You name it. Following the hectic (and staged) lives of the Kardashians, the many cooking shows and of course the recently departed brainchild of them all – Big Brother.

Before we continue with the rapid decline of the once booming empire of reality television, I have a confession to make.

I once applied to be a contestant on Big Brother. Yes, you heard correctly. Along with the rest of the thousands of wannabes, I lined up for hours and hours in the soaring heat to give it my best shot to be Australia’s next reality starlet and live out my 15 minutes of fame.

Sadly, or fortunately depending on how you see it I wasn’t chosen. I made it to the second round after impressing the judges with my chicken dancing and immitations of monkey’s chasing bananas (I wish I was kidding)

The second round had me though. I just couldn’t win compared to the others in shock stories.

One interesting fact I discovered from the audition process was the psychology side. They didn’t want boring people but they also didn’t want someone completely out of their mind. Their observations from the corner of the room had me intrigued and the journalistic side of me was curious to see just what they were scribbling on their notepads.

“Loud, at times cocky. Perfect candidate” would be perhaps one observation for one of the few of us in the group to get chosen for the next stage of auditions. His stories had some of us with our jaws on the ground and others, like myself thinking they were just too far fetched to actually be real.

But can you really find an entire group of loonies I wondered to myself. Apparently not, judging from the quick fall from grace the show experienced with its contestants getting more boring with each year the show continued.

And now with reality TV being so crass and cheap people are willing to get plastic surgery in order for their wedding to be paid for, you need to consider the type of people applying for these shows. Do they need fame or therapy?