Day 5 at The Daily Telegraph

Day Five at The Daily Telegraph My final day started with another quirky story – Sydney’s at times confusing parking signs.  I was sent out to see if I could get 5 or 6 good examples of parking signs that can be confusing (due to damage or the fact there can be 5 or 6(…)

Day 2 at The Daily Telegraph

Day Two at The Daily Telegraph My second Day at the Telegraph started with an email from Rowan asking me to work on an interesting story – Australia’s first female Senior Rabbi. I was sent a media release detailing the event that was to take place and contact details for the communications person at the(…)

My first day (and first story) at The Daily Telegraph

Day One at The Daily Telegraph I started my internship at the Telegraph on a Monday at 2PM. I was originally supposed to work the 9-5 shift but seeing as how my Jschool colleague Robert Farnan’s internship was a success doing the afternoon/night shift it was decided I would do the same. The first two(…)