Jschool 2007

Issues of style

John, Desley and I have had some discussions over style and syntax over the last few months. So, I’ve been consulting Canadian publications…I’m not crazy! We do use periods in abbreviations (such as Rev.). We also dearly love our commas, frequently using them before and (as a link of ideas in a sentence)–cross checked in(…)

Journalism ethics…

We, upcoming journalists have learnt that we have a duty to respect the rights to inform the public truthfully. We each have been issued with a copy of the Journalist code of ethics, to appreciate and respect. Some of us may follow it as specific rules, where others may think of it only as guidelines.(…)

Questions on ethics

A responsibility for objective, un-bias reporting, that is what journalists are taught. Unfortunately, we all have our biases and they creep in to written work, often re-enforcing stereotypes and prejudices. For me, one of the biggest ethical issues I see in reporting is stereotyping of Muslims as terrorists. Newspapers are quick to point out if(…)


I have a beef to pick with today’s headlines and am wondering if anyone else was slightly offended by it. There was a tragic accident in Cherbourg yesterday where a 24-year old woman and a 6-year old boy were killed. That unfortunately is a sad reality and there have been a few such cases over(…)

Hey hey…

Well hello… JSchool is back after a lovely two weeks off, only to find three people missing, one permantly who i’m sure we will all miss! Congratulations Joe! Such good news and great opportunity for you. Sounds like the newsroom there is a heap of fun with all the young reporters haha. Best wishes and(…)

Second Semester

Nu har jag kommit tillbaka fran lovet. Har nu avklarat min forsta termin och borjar IDAG pa min sista. Allt har gatt sa fort, for fort. Men tyvarr gar det for fort nar man har roligt. Mitt lov borjade med en overraskning – hur kallt ar det egentligen i Brisbane under vintern? Jag hade en(…)


Joe that’s horrible news, well for us that is. But big huge canadian CONGRATS. Amazing opportunity for you. Have fun and you know I’ll have to come visit and borrow a space of floor now that you are staying somewhere cool, or at least, somewhere I haven’t been to yet. As for me, I’ve avoided(…)

The farewell

Comrades, Things are changing here in bundaberg. What started as a simple internship has grown. First there was that episode with Eli and radio show which almost turned me into a national star and now i have done something completely unprecedented. In the one week i was at the NewsMail i was offered a third(…)

Bundaberg, JJJ, Eli Radio & Joe

Comrades, i hope everyones having a good holiday. I’m up in Bundy in a shitty little internet cafe posting this blog. the bloke at the counter is charging me by the minute so i’m gonna try bang this it out quickly. The internship at the NewsMail is excellent, everyone there is young and fresh and(…)

quotes on the wall at my internship

“Doctors bury their mistakes. Lawyers hang them. But journalists put theirs on the front page.” – Anonymous “A young reporter, told to cut down the size of his news stories, wrote his next as follows: Rodney Fenster looked up the shaft at the Royal Hotel this morning to see if the elevator was on it’s(…)

In the spirit of home!

Hey guys.. Just some observations to make following the announcement of the new Australian ‘Here & Now’ Monopoly board. I would like to remind you all it was decided by votes!!!! First point for my home-town: Broken Hill is on the board for NSW and Sydney missed out… and some of you hadn’t heard of(…)

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