
About Ryanna Clayton

Posts by Ryanna Clayton:

Here comes the bride, all fat and snide

Here comes the bride, all fat and snide

 My first week at the Rocky Bully has found me in the paper more than any of my stories, lucky the second week is turning out different.  I blame Emma McBryde, past Jschool student and a downright scallywag.  Last Tuesday morning I was in the paper for the 60 seconds section. I had people in(…)

Drunks, Police, squattors and a Granny raping killer.

I cannot explain how unusual my internship has been thus far. 5.30pm the Sunday before I hadn’t set foot inside The Morning Bulletin and I had encountered a multitude of unusual situations.  Firstly I was propositioned by a drunk at 8.30am. He just wanted my number, you know “in case he ever needed it”. I wondered(…)

They say the show must go on. I say shut up.

I’ve had this blog written for well over a week now but being technologically deprived I’ve just worked out how to use the blog. As I’m sure you all already know my first week of holidays involved my show Limbus which I wrote (apparently) and directed (poorly) going to Melbourne.  It was a part of LaTrobe(…)