
About Jane Gregory

Posts by Jane Gregory:

Technology Interfering with My Sport

Videos and replays are a part of a sports game now, but have we stopped relying on what we see with our bare eyes? Take for instance the 13th minute in State of Origin 2015 Game 2: Greg Inglis snaps up the ball and runs 90m down the field and makes a spectacular try. He(…)

Grazes that don’t Scratch the surface

Searching the Internet for something specific has got to be the most distracting and frustrating part of finding information for me. Frustrating because Google somehow decides what the most fitting results are for my search and distracting because sometimes there is some link that looks way more interesting on the page that I have to(…)

Crying over Boiling Potatoes

Lots of years ago, (1989-1994) I rode my pushbike around Australia and New Zealand (with my dog) for something to do and now I am attempting to put the stories onto paper. The thing is, this time I have ditched the sequential part of writing the story and am finding the they come out much(…)