
About Ben Rodney


Posts by Ben Rodney:

Week Two – Domination

Well that is probably an exaggeration, (Adrianno tells me I need powerful headlines) but I have felt much more confident this week as have found my niche, namely obsequios-sycophant-vox-poping-treeplanting-PR-spin-doctor. Yes, I’ve honed my interviewing skills and feel quite comfortable giving people the 20 questions,,, I’m not afraid to ask the hard questions dam it! Like:(…)

Internship Week 1 Poppin some Voxes

Also known as going to work with out getting paid! Yes, it is a strange idea, especially seeing at least half of the journo’s here are noticeably younger than I am. I have been waiting for someone to ask me to make coffee for them so I can roundhouse them. SNAP! What I have learnt(…)

The First Month

The first month of Jschool has been an introduction to a broad range of subjects. John has said to us we are to become “renaissance men” and apart from the likely journalism subjects we have also touched on Greek and Roman History, poetry and modern literature. We are attending a play tonight. This has been(…)