I was going to write something serious but that entry of yours Tameka is going to be hard to beat! laugh.

But in all seriousness, as the first semester gears up for a splash ending–hearing the Dalai Lama talk–I’m struggling to keep tabs on everything that’s going on, not to mention my huge backlog of emails that I will get to, I promise.

So far, we’ve crashed through news writing, book reviews, interviews, note taking, council and parliament reporting, court reporting starting tomorrow, art performance reviews, and of course the art of short hand. Some of us have even gotten a story or two published (big congrats to Katrina and Jo for making in on the front page of the independent. This leaves me wondering what’s next and looking forward to my two week break to get caught up.

Who am I kidding? My mom is in town and we will be cruising around Australia in a Wicked Van looking for odd and unusual sights like preserved snakes, bush men, giant spiders and maybe even the elusive reptiles and kangaroos you guys claim to have.

So, reflections on the first semester. It’s been fun. It’s been busy. My head is realing with new information and ideas. I hate the fact that I’m not allowed to have an opinion while reporting. I solemly promise to study more and travel less second semester, at least until I head home for my internship. My spelling hasn’t improved and I will really will try to be less wordy next semester.

Cheers everyone and have a great break!