As you will have gathered from my clasmates’ entries, last Thursday saw Jschool attend the MEAA’s student day.
Held at the Brisbane Art Gallery, the series of forums gave Journalism students the chance to meet and get advice from industry insiders.
Not wanting to repeat my classmates’ observations, i found the day interesting, useful and somewhat overwhelming.
There was plenty of information to grapple with, so in no particular order here’s what my overfed brain managed to digest:

-When starting with and organisation be prepared to go wherever they want to send you.
-Once you get a full time job it’s easier to stay in the business.
-Be up to date with the news (who would have thought).
-Show some initiative, look for different ways to use your skills.
-Don’t be in it for the money.
-Keep a contact book.
-Get published whenever you can.
-Be proud of your work.
-Get a good super fund.
-If you want to freelance it is better to have established a professional relationship with whoever it is you plan to sell to.
-Don’t limit yourself and be prepared to try anything.
-Dress well for internships and job interviews (undies on the inside etc…)
-There are jobs in the industry. All the people who spoke to us seemed to be gainfully employed.

So there you have it. I may have missed some valuable information, in which case i look forward to a successful career as a possum catcher.

My next entry will be about the event at the Regatta following the student day, unless, something majorly newsworthy happens in Taringa in the next five minutes.
If that happens I will tell you all.