Jschool 2008

It’s time I learnt another langue

Blog from Cairns:   Note: This blog was written day three in Cairns but I have had trouble logging in!      Trying to find a “good” tourist information shop has a whole new meaning. Rule number one when you are in Cairns and looking for a tourist information centre make sure the travel agent(…)

morality slipping ?

I’ve recently noticed my instincts in everyday life have changed since starting jschool in Feb. Nothing drastic, just a few little changes to my reactions to certain things. such as whenever i go to a movie or gig i’m constantly thinking about whether or not it’s worth reviewing. Also the other week Delphine and i(…)


The surprise  of the year: politicians are, in reality, pretty funny people! And that’s not especially a compliment… In fact, when you put them all together in the same room, the result is actually quite interesting. you just changed them into kids!! Those people are supposed to take decisions, improve the life of the people they are(…)

Shameless self-promotion or job desperation? Perhaps both.

Well I will cut to the chase. Here is the link to my blog… roblockyear.blogspot.com. I was thinking of calling it Lockyear’s World as a homage to John Simpson but thought that might have been a little bit egoistic. The ease with which a blog can be created scares me a little bit. Anyone can(…)

Reality Rot

It sounds like any one of the mind-rotting reality television shows that currently bombard our screens. It could be Big Brother, [insert country] Idol, or one of the shows that follow the tribulations of the obese while they fight cattily with one another and try to lose 500 kilos in three weeks. But it’s not.(…)

League and opera

Writing a report on the State of Origin proved an interesting challenge this week and made me realise I am definately not cut out for sports reporting – this became evident when I realised I didn’t even know what sport State of Origin was. My second question was who is playing? The disgusted answer I(…)

Lesson Learnt!

Standing at a Press Conference on the Speakers Green at Parliament waiting oh so patiently for the TV cameras to do another take on what seems like the twentieth time on a back bencher blowing into the latest and greatest breathalyser gadget, I wonder when the day will end.   All of a sudden there(…)


Hey wow theres my story in the paper! Oh look its got my name under the title and everything! Ah thats so exciting! Ooh that intro is a bit clunky but thats ok i’m still in the paper! Um not really sure what I meant by that but oh well. Oh crap I attributed that(…)


Wow, What a crushing victory for NSW in State of Origin last night!!! 18-10 no contest. I’ll be able to write an informed report on the game, thanks to recently reporting on private school boy’s rugby union matches. Better luck for your team next time James. Love, Luke


I never knew people could be so bloody irritating. Just trying to get someone to ring you back about a story (even if it’s in their best interest) is like pleading for a presidential pardon. I figure that in order to get people to get back to you or comment, you have to either kidnap their(…)

On journo speak

First stories are in and somebody already pulled me round the corner and said “this is totally off the record.” I tried not to giggle and say something stupid like “that’s just what people say in the movies” and frantically scribbled the juicy yet totally irrelevant details. Investigations with my hood Buffy have been fun and(…)

Beware the ides of March

Nine weeks into Jschool 08 and I’ve learnt a lot… To start with I can’t pronounce e/i  properly, hidge, wist ind, and six are words I should never say in the company of jschoolers, especially Luke Sarina Russo doesn’t take well to having her photo taken Australian federal parliament is hilarious…Minister for FINANCE! Never speak(…)

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