Last Monday, I started my internship at the Sunshine Coast Daily and for my first mission I had to follow one the photographer of the paper. Lucky me!

The weather was just perfect and Chris, the photographer, had many different jobs to do. Perfect day to drive around the Coast!

We went to the funeral of a local rugby hero, we took a picture a local breast cancer association, of people chosen (almost) randomly walking long a beach pathway etc…

Watching at Chris in action was really interesting.

My job was pretty much limitated to holding the flash occasionally when he needed an extra arm… But the only fact of watching him work was worthwhile!

 It was really interesting to see how he is using everything that is around him. It can go from the fence he is climbing on the get a better angle or an unused piece of pipe left by workers in a local man’s (former) garden to give the photo a bit of perspective.

I was also suprised by the number of photo Chris took and the very low number of actual good photo that remained at the end.

The last thing that amazed me is the fact that the pictures representing people are, as far as possible, representing good looking people. For the beach pathway pics, we waited at least 20 minutes to get “semi good looking people”.

I wasn’t expected that from a local newspaper and for a random story that finally ended up to be on page 20!

Anyway, apart from that I really enjoyed my day and the fact of being outdoor and in contact with “real” people. I hope I’ll have to occasion to do the experiment again